Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Trying to Remember when it all Started

Back many moons ago my family and I went on vacation to Kansas City, MO .  We somehow wound up in an old warehouse converted to a shopping mall.  Well guess what it had a hobby shop and in the middle of the floor was an HO layout.  My heart melted.  I could have stayed forever.  My daughter, Heather, was standing by me asking all sorts of questions about the trains.  After about ten to fifteen minutes my wife, Diane, persuaded us to leave.  Our next stop was Branson for some shows and of course more shopping.  That was ok with me because the second shop we went to had a train set and guess what?  I bought it.  Of course I told Diane that Heather really liked the trains we saw and it would be something we could do together.  I believe that was the last time Heather saw the train set and that is when it all started.   


  1. This is pretty cool, I can't wait to see what all you are going to post. :) Who would have thought that I would eventually work with trains too!

  2. Yea you was the Intermodal Queen at USA Truck.
